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Accessing MyAccount on CRA Just Got Easier!

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The new Document Verification Service - no more waiting 7-10 business days for a code to come in the mail! You can now access your CRA Account right away with the right identification.

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Federal Budget Update for 2024

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On April 16, 2024, the Federal Government tabled Budget 2024, which proposed various provisions impacting individuals and businesses.

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Spring Cleaning Isn’t Just For Your Home!

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Spring Cleaning is right around the corner, and I’m not just talking about those dust bunnies behind your TV! We have just finished the first quarter of 2024. How are you feeling? Is your business where you want it to be? There are a few things you can do to help clean up and plan for the rest of the year.

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A CFO At A Fraction Of The Cost?

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Do you want financial expertise tailored to your business’s needs without the cost of a full-time CFO? Do you feel overwhelmed by the financial planning of your business? Look no further, you may be looking for a fractional CFO! At Eleion Professional Group, we have begun offering fractional CFO services. A fractional CFO works on a part time or project basis to provide financial expertise tailored to your business; from keeping your cashflow management running smooth to keeping you informed of any financial liabilities or risks.

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The Rebranding Journey of Colby Steckly Chartered Professional Accountants

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This blog post tells the story of Ida Colby and Jennifer Steckly, two managers at a mid-sized firm in Edmonton who decided to start their own business ten years ago. They felt limited by the structure of their workplace and wanted to provide better service to their clients. Today, their business, Colby Steckly, is thriving and they have re-invented themselves with a new brand. The post will explore the reasons for the rebranding and the exciting changes that are in the works.

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How to register for My Business Account.

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How to register for My Business Account.

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Covid Relief Continues

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If your business is suffering due to covid there may still be some assistance avalaible to you.

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Government Extends Loan Forgiveness Repayment Deadline for the Canada Emergency Business Account

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This Pandemic has taken a toll on business, especially as the wage subsidy and rent subsidy programs become more difficult to qualify.

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Taxable Benefits & Tips for T4s

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The start of 2022 brings with it the end of 2021. For employers this means it’s time to prepare T4 slips for employees.

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Featured Charity: Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta

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Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta’s (SBHANA) mission is to improve the quality of life for the people affected by spina bifida and hydrocephalus through advocacy, education, and support.

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